![Icon for item "Sweet Wild Berry Infusion"](https://new-world.guide/cdn/v1.8.0/items/foodarcanistt5.webp)
![New World Game Guide website](/logo_gray_200.png)
Increases your minimum gear score when crafting Arcana items by 15. Increases your maximum gear score when crafting Arcana items by 15. Effects last for 40 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.
![Icon for item "Icon for item "Recipe: Sweet Wild Berry Infusion""](https://new-world.guide/cdn/v1.8.0/itemsWithBg/recipe_foodarcanistt5.webp)
![Weight icon](/static/images/iconweight.png)
![Sweet Wild Berry Infusion](https://new-world.guide/cdn/v1.8.0/status/foodarcanistt5.webp)
Increases your minimum gear score when crafting Arcana items by 15. Increases your maximum gear score when crafting Arcana items by 15. Effects last for 40 minutes. Your health slowly recovers while under these effects.
![Well Fed](https://new-world.guide/cdn/v1.8.0/status/foodrecoveryt5.webp)
Heal for 1% your max health every 2.5s
![Icon with hammer and anvil](/static/images/icon_crafting_tab_blacksmith.png)
Item Sweet Wild Berry Infusion can be crafted on Kitchen tier V. You need 1 of Berry, 1 of Melon, 1 of Water, 1 of Sugar, 1 of Tarragon, 1 of Strawberry, 1 of Blueberry. In results you get 1 of Sweet Wild Berry Infusion with 0 gearscore. For crafting required Cooking skill with level 154 or higher.