The Heretic's Shadow

Pilot Keyes' Journal

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Journal of Pilot Keyes

I am convinced more than ever that Isabella's prisoner, the Heretic, must die. He has somehow placed himself in a position of command, and Isabella treats his words as scripture. I fear he delights… or is at least amused by this conflict, even though...

The Heretic's Shadow Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

The Heretic's Shadow Page Pilot Keyes' Journal - on New World Guide Database of Lore

I am convinced more than ever that Isabella's prisoner, the Heretic, must die. He has somehow placed himself in a position of command, and Isabella treats his words as scripture. I fear he delights… or is at least amused by this conflict, even though he is in chains. The fool has become the king. I do not know what unearthly power he has brought to bear over Isabella, but if she is to be freed, if she is to hear reason, then I must find a way to seize him and if necessary, kill him. He may have guided us here, but whatever his reasons, they were for some other purpose.

Chief Pilot Keyes of the San Cristóbal

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