Captain's Log 31

Found in Riverworn Grotto

Part of the chapter:
Lore book icon Pirate's Plunder
Pirate's Plunder

Pirates. Bloody pirates. We were boarded while I was abed last night and several of my men were slaughtered in the taking of the ship. Their bodies were tossed unceremoniously overboard and even more than that some living who defied the invaders were...

Captain's Log 31 Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

Captain's Log 31 Page Found in Riverworn Grotto - on New World Guide Database of Lore

Pirates. Bloody pirates. We were boarded while I was abed last night and several of my men were slaughtered in the taking of the ship. Their bodies were tossed unceremoniously overboard and even more than that some living who defied the invaders were also thrown to the sea. I am cooperating for now, keeping my captain's log in a secret place.

I can only hope some pages survive, as it seems the pirates are intent to make landfall on the island we were trying our best to avoid. I believe it to be a suicide mission but their captain, Master Henry as he's called, is sure this island holds riches unimaginable. For the sake of my crew I hope these pirates get what they want, and then promptly let us go. Even life on a deserted island is better than being a prisoner at sea.

Captain Yennifer

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