Nothing's Biting Today

Found in Meadow Lake Fishery

Part of the chapter:
Lore book icon Fishery Foibles
Fishery Foibles

All that racket Morrison was making last night must have scared off the fish. That damn fool, running around and singing at the top of his lungs like this were some Old World stage. Now I sit with my line in the water completely still, not a bite in ...

Nothing's Biting Today Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

Nothing's Biting Today Page Found in Meadow Lake Fishery - on New World Guide Database of Lore

All that racket Morrison was making last night must have scared off the fish. That damn fool, running around and singing at the top of his lungs like this were some Old World stage. Now I sit with my line in the water completely still, not a bite in sight. Lord knows why I put up with him.

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