Stone Face, Warm Heart

Found in Forellac


Ah, that foreman from the mines is so nice! When I brought the last shipment of fish to Letum's Pick, he had picked flowers for me and had a wonderful picnic set up for the two of us.I didn't have the heart to tell him that I'm sick of fish... but ...

Stone Face, Warm Heart Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

Stone Face, Warm Heart Page Found in Forellac - on New World Guide Database of Lore

Ah, that foreman from the mines is so nice! When I brought the last shipment of fish to Letum's Pick, he had picked flowers for me and had a wonderful picnic set up for the two of us.
I didn't have the heart to tell him that I'm sick of fish... but the bread and fresh rabbit was wonderful.
He is a kind man, and he treats his men well and I have no doubt that he would treat me the same. His look is craggy, like the stone he works with, but I have grown fond of him.
Perhaps when I next see him, I will suggest that he speak with Father about courting me officially.

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