Retreating to Safety

Found in Clearwater Bend


To Whosoever Finds This:We are abandoning this place, perfect as it is, for betrayal is in the air. Our three families have loaded what we can carry, and will make the trek to the settlement in Cutlass Keys, as it is closest. Normally, we would go ...

Retreating to Safety Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

Retreating to Safety Page Found in Clearwater Bend - on New World Guide Database of Lore

To Whosoever Finds This:
We are abandoning this place, perfect as it is, for betrayal is in the air. Our three families have loaded what we can carry, and will make the trek to the settlement in Cutlass Keys, as it is closest. Normally, we would go south to our friends in Dayspring Mills, but we have seen the fires from that direction, the miners now attack us on sight, and we dare not risk travel through the wilderness. We can only pray for their safety.
You are free to whatever you may find here. We have left with what is most important.

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