A Reluctant Gift

Found in Weaver's Fen

Part of the chapter:
Lore book icon Venla's Diary
Venla's Diary

I happened upon another lost in the Fen. I cannot say I pitied him, but I did resolve to help him. I placed a small sack of food and medicinal herbs along his path, so that he might find it. Then I piled rocks in such a way to point the way to the An...

A Reluctant Gift Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

A Reluctant Gift Page Found in Weaver's Fen - on New World Guide Database of Lore

I happened upon another lost in the Fen. I cannot say I pitied him, but I did resolve to help him. I placed a small sack of food and medicinal herbs along his path, so that he might find it. Then I piled rocks in such a way to point the way to the Ancient Road. He should soon find his way home, has he the wits to decipher the sign.

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