Cargo Manifest

Found in La Escamilla

Part of the chapter:
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Pirate Logs

REPORT AND MANIFEST of the Cargo laden on board the Nimphet
Seth MacInty is Master, burthen 400 tonnes, bound from Chalottesburgh for Gracewater
Sea Freight
40 tonnes Gold Ingots
60 Tonnes of Silver Ingots
100 Tonnes of Iron Ingot...

Cargo Manifest Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

Cargo Manifest Page Found in La Escamilla - on New World Guide Database of Lore

REPORT AND MANIFEST of the Cargo laden on board the Nimphet

Seth MacInty is Master, burthen 400 tonnes, bound from Chalottesburgh for Gracewater

Sea Freight

40 tonnes Gold Ingots

60 Tonnes of Silver Ingots

100 Tonnes of Iron Ingots


32 barrels Fresh Spring Water

24 crates of Hardtack

12 crates of Salted Cod

4 crates of Cured bacon

16 buckets of Lard

12 bushels of Fresh Limes

Keep a close eye on the kegs. Mattheson has been known to filch, and I’ve seen him dallying about the hatch down to the hold. He’s a capable cobbler, and it would be a shame to have to have to string him up as an example to the others.

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