Memory of Service

An inscription on a weathered plaque overtaken by vines.

Part of the chapter:
Lore book icon Old Stone Remembers
Old Stone Remembers

In memory of Soulwarden Reys Vachan, devoted servant of the order. He took no pride, no ambition in our sacred duty. All that was asked, and much that was not, he gave willingly. By his example did others embrace our greater purpose. May his sacrific...

Memory of Service Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

Memory of Service Page An inscription on a weathered plaque overtaken by vines. - on New World Guide Database of Lore

In memory of Soulwarden Reys Vachan, devoted servant of the order. He took no pride, no ambition in our sacred duty. All that was asked, and much that was not, he gave willingly. By his example did others embrace our greater purpose. May his sacrifice be a lesson to all who come after.

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