The First Promise

Prose carved into stone. Highly legibile, though weathered from the passage of time.

Part of the chapter:
Lore book icon The Oath of the Old Warrior
The Oath of the Old Warrior

I, Gilgamesh, do solemnly vow under the radiance of the Sun and the luminescence of the Stars, in the presence of the gods, to serve as an Amarah, the Blessed Inheritor of the Eternal Fire.

The First Promise Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

The First Promise Page Prose carved into stone. Highly legibile, though weathered from the passage of time. - on New World Guide Database of Lore

I, Gilgamesh, do solemnly vow under the radiance of the Sun and the luminescence of the Stars, in the presence of the gods, to serve as an Amarah, the Blessed Inheritor of the Eternal Fire.

Check PTR version of The First Promise Page - NWGuide Database of Lore




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