Book of Shadows, Fragment 2

Power of Clay

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Lore book icon Book of Shadows
Book of Shadows

It is said Odin shaped the world and the cosmos with the corpse of Ymir. So too do we shape the chaos of our world through acts upon the lifeless clay. Though it might give these milksop church lambkins a dire case of the collywobbles to contemplate ...

Book of Shadows, Fragment 2 Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

Book of Shadows, Fragment 2 Page Power of Clay - on New World Guide Database of Lore

It is said Odin shaped the world and the cosmos with the corpse of Ymir. So too do we shape the chaos of our world through acts upon the lifeless clay. Though it might give these milksop church lambkins a dire case of the collywobbles to contemplate it, we know there dwells a tremendous wellspring of virtuous power among the once living remains, both man and beast, long after the spirit flees.

By His many Names and Faces, may He spare me a straw death. By Her many Names and Faces, may She grant me this corpus of knowledge and the audacity to use it. The corpse is a vehicle of change. The clay is the means to shape order in the chaos.

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