Journey to Aeternum

Journey to Aeternum, Fragment 2

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The storm has become nigh unbearable. Gale winds, heavy bursts, roiling sea. The sleepless Captain insists we push ahead, his fixation on the vial of azoth onboard is too strong to combat. The substance is said to multiply the natural properties of a...

Journey to Aeternum Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

Journey to Aeternum Page Journey to Aeternum, Fragment 2 - on New World Guide Database of Lore

The storm has become nigh unbearable. Gale winds, heavy bursts, roiling sea. The sleepless Captain insists we push ahead, his fixation on the vial of azoth onboard is too strong to combat. The substance is said to multiply the natural properties of all things, but the only thing I have seen it do is increase the Captain's possessive nature and secretive ways. He mutters to himself about a land of conflict, conquering, and endless azoth. None dare challenge him.
“Mere Courage” Log 17

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