The Sturgeon's Tale

The Fisherman


Once upon a time, an old fisherman washed up on the shores of Aeternum. Though others sought treasure and power, the fisherman was content to build himself a small hut overlooking a delta, and sail out every day to catch his meals.
One summer eve...

The Sturgeon's Tale Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

The Sturgeon's Tale Page The Fisherman - on New World Guide Database of Lore

Once upon a time, an old fisherman washed up on the shores of Aeternum. Though others sought treasure and power, the fisherman was content to build himself a small hut overlooking a delta, and sail out every day to catch his meals.

One summer evening, the fisherman found himself lost in a dense fog. He drifted until he saw a light beneath the waves. He cast his line, watching the light bob and sink. The creature that he reeled up was unearthly: an enormous sturgeon with glittering jeweled scales, twice as long as he was tall.

The astonished fisherman nearly dropped his line, but not before the sturgeon spoke: "Release me, friend, and I will grant you a wish."

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