Forbidden from my ancestors’ glory…
Witness of the Faithful vol. 1 Page - NWGuide Database of Lore
Witness of the Faithful vol. 1 Page Forbidden from my ancestors’ glory… - on New World Guide Database of Lore
The Great Pharaoh called us home, but now bars us from the sacred places of our heritage? How can this be? The gods of the Nile once dwelt upon this sacred earth, alongside their chosen of the faithful. Can it be that they have now forsaken us? That they would welcome us home to the Great City of our ancestors, but forbid that we pay tribute with them? No. It cannot be. It must not be.
My forefathers were faithful to Sutekh, who conquered death and brought immortality to his people. Why would he do such a thing if not to ensure that we may worship him forever? The holy places of our predecessors must be restored, and their holy artifacts reclaimed. If not, the gods will only abandon us again, and scatter their wretched people onto the sands once more.