Constable’s Log

Thing in the Swamp

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The Thing in the Swamp

More sightings of the thing today. Always in the swamps. What’s going on out there?
Spoke with the blacksmith today. Says the thing is like a patch of peat moss ambulating like a man.
Spoke to a traveling merchant today. Says the thing is like ...

Constable’s Log Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

Constable’s Log Page Thing in the Swamp - on New World Guide Database of Lore

More sightings of the thing today. Always in the swamps. What’s going on out there?

Spoke with the blacksmith today. Says the thing is like a patch of peat moss ambulating like a man.

Spoke to a traveling merchant today. Says the thing is like a bog body, pickled and preserved, bleeding water the color of strong tea.

Spoke with Seamus today. Said he mistook the thing for his pa, but it turned out to be all worms, a writhing mass contriving into a squelchy fellowship to move as we move?

More talk of the thing today. Community will be in an uproar more damaging than any creature. Going out there to investigate, out into the swamps. Will record findings here, when I return.

Check PTR version of Constable’s Log Page - NWGuide Database of Lore



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