Cleaning the Fen

Fishing Up Trash

Part of the chapter:
Lore book icon Agarwal's Diary
Agarwal's Diary

Feeding the displaced masses of Weaver’s Fen is of great necessity. But it is only a temporary solution. If any settler is to call these swamps home, we must find a way to arrest the slow march of the withering. This starts by purifying her waters. \...

Cleaning the Fen Page - NWGuide Database of Lore

Cleaning the Fen Page Fishing Up Trash - on New World Guide Database of Lore

Feeding the displaced masses of Weaver’s Fen is of great necessity. But it is only a temporary solution. If any settler is to call these swamps home, we must find a way to arrest the slow march of the withering. This starts by purifying her waters.

As they march, the many evils of this place leave behind their taint, causing the waters to putrefy and the surrounding wildlife to rot. I suspect the ships that wrecked here may be the source of the disease, as even the brackish areas are contaminated.

With so many contaminants threatening the water supply, I pray I have the endurance necessary to make a difference. For I long to see these murky waters clear and blue for the first time since ancient times.

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