Welcome to Mvdin's Hatchet & Great Sword PvE/ PvP ultimate guide!

I've been enjoying this build for a while on the fresh start server and I found it to be really strong in many scenarios.

While it is true that they lack CC compared to Spear, War Hammer, Great Axe, and other weapons, we have a lot of staggers and we compensate in the damage department, our mobility and chase are decent and we have great survivability.


Light Armor:

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When it comes to PvP, we fulfill the role of an Assassin/ DPS so our targets are in general other light armor players(Healers, Mages, Archers, Musketeers, etc.).

With this build, we output a lot of damage while having really good survivability.

Great Sword as our off-hand provides us a really good opener and the potential to one-combo squishy players. Close the gap with a double roll to get our Opal Gem and Empower Buffs ->  Relentless Rush -> Heavy Attack -> Steadfast Strike -> Weapon swap animation cancel -> Hatchet Light Attack.

If our target isn't dead yet we have our Hatchet ready to finish them or chase them.

We use Berserk and Relentless Rush with the Relentless Freedom Perk to remove roots and slows.

Calamity Counter is basically used like Rapier Riposte to block CC and Burst Combos. When out of stamina etc.

You have to learn how to roll behind a player, and how to animation cancel Berserk. (Check the Video Guide)

Medium Armor:

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With Medium Armor, we transform from "Assassin" to "Bruiser" and can trade damage with other Medium Builds more reliably, we have more dodges and overall more survivability while we maintain a high amount of damage.

Great Sword is still our secondary weapon and we use it mainly for the abilities, Skyward NullifcationSkyward Nullifcation can even remove Defy Death.

If u don't like Aimed Throw, can get Stay Back or Accumulated Power instead
If u don't like Aimed Throw, can get Stay Back or Accumulated Power instead
My preferred Light Armor build with Counter
My preferred Light Armor build with Counter
Medium Build with Skyward Slash
Medium Build with Skyward Slash


Optimal Weights Table


STATS: 150-200 CON, 150 DEX, 150-200+ STR

Light Build:

Medium Build:


 Our priority is always ResilientResilient and Shirking FortificationShirking Fortification, Relentless FreedomRelentless Freedom, Skyward NullificationSkyward Nullification ( Medium Weight), Critical RetributionCritical Retribution, and RefreshingRefreshing as our 3rd perk.


Weapon Perks:

Light Hatchet: RogueRogue, Arboreal/ Abyssal AttunementAttunement, Keenly EmpoweredKeenly Empowered

Medium Hatchet: ViciousVicious, Arboreal/ Abyssal AttunementAttunement, Keenly EmpoweredKeenly Empowered

Great Sword: Trenchant StrikesTrenchant Strikes, Arboreal/ Abyssal AttunementAttunement, Keenly EmpoweredKeenly Empowered/Keenly JaggedKeenly Jagged

Weapon Gems: Runeglass of Abyssal Opal Runeglass of Abyssal Opal or Runeglass of Arboreal OpalRuneglass of Arboreal Opal


Light Amulet: Champion's AmuletChampion's Amulet

Medium Amulet: Instrumentality's AmuletInstrumentality's Amulet Having one with Thrust/Slash/Fire Protection for different situations is the best choice.

Ring: Heart of MaahebgalHeart of Maahebgal

Earring: Doom's ChanceDoom's Chance


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In PvE, we mainly use the Hatchet for mob clumps taking advantage of Against All Odds (Increase base damage by 10% for every enemy within 5m. (Max 5 targets.)), our Berserk and its Uninterruptible Berserk (While Berserk is active, your attacks are uninterruptible and you can't be staggered) also having Defy Death can save you from getting killed.

Great Sword is mainly used for the bosses, if u get in sticky situations take out your Hatchet.

It is a bit more challenging to use the Great Sword cause u get animation locked for longer and take extra damage while in the Onslaught Stance but if used right, it has the Highest DPS in New World right now.

Extra! You can also pair Hatchet with Great Axe which is great for grouping up the mobs and swap back for Boss Fights.

There are multiple Skill Tree builds for different situations:




DPS + Throwing


DPS + Anti Heal


Great Sword


Dodge -> Relentless Rush -> Skyward Slash -> Crosscut -> Heavy Attacks
Dodge -> Relentless Rush -> Skyward Slash -> Crosscut -> Heavy Attacks

DPS + Utility

Dodge -> Roaring Rupture -> Skyward Slash -> Crosscut -> Heavy Attacks
Dodge -> Roaring Rupture -> Skyward Slash -> Crosscut -> Heavy Attacks

Extra! Great Axe



I prefer light armor weight for the extra mobility and damage.

Optimal Weights Table


STATS: 5-200, CON 150-210 DEX, 200+ STR.

STR scales better with Hatchet so if u go for more CON prioritize 200 STR over 200 DEX bonuses.

In the open world, you might need more than 5 CON if you have no healer and tank.

In Expeditions as long as you have 5x Ward you should be fine with 5-100 CON otherwise go for more.


For Open World (chest runs/ elite farming etc. ) and even regular Expeditions you can get a luck set and slot Pearls or Onyxes( Most PvE damage outside Mutated Expeditions is Physical)

For Mutated Expeditions the ideal 3 perk combo is Ward+ Skill Perk + Refreshing.Refreshing.

Your armor should have at least Ward on all pieces.

Based on the Mutation Element you want to use elemental gems in your armor and jewelry, the recommended setup is running 58.1% mutation-specific resistance, attainable with 8x mutation-specific gems. 

– Void (Eternal): Cut Pristine AmethystCut Pristine Amethyst

– Fire (Hellfire): Cut Pristine RubyCut Pristine Ruby

– Eternal (Nature): Cut Pristine AmberCut Pristine Amber

– Icebound (Ice): Cut Pristine AquamarineCut Pristine Aquamarine

You can get "Punishing" rune gems for extra DPS. (Ex: Runeglass of Punishing AmethystRuneglass of Punishing Amethyst)

Great Sword Skill Perks: Leeching Crosscut (Can also be on the weapon)

Extra! Great Axe Skill Perks: Insatiable Gravity Well, Enfeebling Maelstrom

Notable Named Armor


Light - Sun Lord’s Set - Ancient Ward + Refreshing Evasion + Shirking FortificationLight - Sun Lord’s Set - Ancient Ward + Refreshing Evasion + Shirking Fortification

Medium - Simple Skirt - Ancient Ward + Refreshing Evasion + Shirking EnergyMedium - Simple Skirt - Ancient Ward + Refreshing Evasion + Shirking Energy

Angry Earth 

Medium - Siren’s Set - Angry Earth Ward + Refreshing + Elemental Aversion (CON)Medium - Siren’s Set - Angry Earth Ward + Refreshing + Elemental Aversion (CON)

Medium - Harbinger’s Set - Angry Earth Ward + Refreshing + Elemental Aversion (DEX)Medium - Harbinger’s Set - Angry Earth Ward + Refreshing + Elemental Aversion (DEX)


Medium - Isabella's Set - Corrupted Ward + Refreshing Evasion + Shirking/Emp Breaker/Sturdy Energy/VigorMedium - Isabella's Set - Corrupted Ward + Refreshing Evasion + Shirking/Emp Breaker/Sturdy Energy/Vigor


Light - Admiral’s Set - Lost Ward + Refreshing + Physical AversionLight - Admiral’s Set - Lost Ward + Refreshing + Physical Aversion


SlotPerk 1Perk 2Perk 3Named Items
AmuletHealth Elemental ProtectionRefreshingBlessing of ForefathersBlessing of Forefathers, Scorpion StoneScorpion Stone
Ring ( >150 DEX)Slash DamageKeen Awareness LeechingLegate's RingLegate's Ring/ Heart of HekaHeart of HekaFeatherweight Ring

Featherweight Ring
Ring ( < 150 DEX)Hearty Keen AwarenessLeechingSmooth Bone RingSmooth Bone Ring, Heart of MaheebgalHeart of Maheebgal
EarringRefreshing ToastRefreshingPurifying Toast, Beloved, Evasive, RegeneratingDoom's Chance EarringDoom's Chance Earring, Warrior's EnergyWarrior's Energy, Reflected MayhemReflected Mayhem

Notable Named Jewelry

Amulet: Blessing of ForefathersBlessing of ForefathersScorpion StoneScorpion Stone , Myrkgard's Amulet Myrkgard's AmuletGlass OculusGlass OculusEyes in the AbyssEyes in the Abyss

Ring: Legate's RingLegate's RingHeart of HekaHeart of HekaFeatherweight RingFeatherweight RingSmooth Bone RingSmooth Bone RingHeart of MaheebgalHeart of MaheebgalBeginningBeginningGashGashHeart of AnhurawakHeart of Anhurawak

Earring: Doom's Chance EarringDoom's Chance EarringWarrior's EnergyWarrior's EnergyReflected MayhemReflected MayhemHardened Tear of AvariceHardened Tear of AvariceChampion's EarringChampion's Earring


The best setup is subjective but I recommend

Hatchet: BaneBane + ViciousViciousRogueRogue + Refreshing TorrentRefreshing Torrent

Great Sword: BaneBane + Thwarting StrikesThwarting StrikesTrenchant StrikesTrenchant StrikesViciousVicious/  RogueRogue+ Keenly Empowered/ Chain/ Attunement

Weapon Gems

DPS - OpalOpalDiamondDiamond

Notable Named Weapons


Blade of the 19thBlade of the 19th - Corrupted Bane + Trenchant Strikes + Mortal Power  

Beast Hunter’s BladeBeast Hunter’s Blade - Beast Bane + Trenchant Strikes + Keenly Jagged  

Tempestuous GreatswordTempestuous Greatsword - Corrupted Bane + Trenchant Strikes + Chain Lightning

StonehewerStonehewer - Ancient Bane + Trenchant Strikes + Mortal Refreshment

FirewoodFirewood - Angry Earth Bane + Vicious + Chain  

Craftsman’s Passion Craftsman’s Passion - Angry Earth Bane + Vicious + Keenly Empowered

AfterthoughtAfterthought - Lost Bane + Vicious + Chain  

VoidswordVoidsword - Ancient Bane + Vicious + Chain

LivelinessLiveliness - Corrupted Bane + Vicious + Chain


BonechopperBonechopper - Angry Earth Bane + Rogue + Keenly Fortified

Beyond ReasonBeyond Reason - Ancient Bane + Chain Void + Refreshing Torrent

The Settler's FriendThe Settler's Friend - Ancient Bane + Keen + Vicious




Recipes: AncientsAncients, Angry EarthAngry Earth, CorruptedCorrupted, LostLost, BeastBeast

Honing Stones 

Recipes: CommonCommon, StrongStrong, PowerfulPowerful


3x Minor3x Basic3x Majors
% DMG9%12%15%


Gemstone Dust & Oakflesh Balm 

Recipes: StrongStrong, PowerfulPowerful

Ward Potions

Recipes: AncientsAncients, Angry EarthAngry Earth, CorruptedCorrupted, Lost Lost, BeastBeast


Powerful IncensePowerful Incense | Blight TincturesBlight Tinctures | Corruption TincturesCorruption Tinctures


STR Roasted GnufishRoasted Gnufish 40 STR

DEX Fried AlbenajaFried Albenaja 40 DEX  

CON Roasted Rabbit with Seasoned VegetablesRoasted Rabbit with Seasoned Vegetables 40 CON  

You can also use split stats food if it is cheaper:
STR CON Carrot CakeCarrot Cake 24 STR 16 CON